God is First

A simple pre-marriage  exercise by our counselor  would have a profound impact.

The questionnaire, one given to my future wife and one given to me, had us assign a priority number ( 1 thru 5) to specific areas of our lives.

The listed subjects were:  a) your career, b) your spouse, c) your church, d) God, and e) your family.

As a Christian, saved at the age of 8 , for me the choices were rather obvious. Academic really . But for my wife, as a new believer the choices were profound.

Sharing our results, I remember wife-to-be was concerned that I might be upset that she placed “God”  as # 1 and ”your spouse” (me!!) relegated to position #2. She was greatly relieved when she saw that I too placed God as # 1 and her as #2.

Honestly, we had NO idea how to actually do this.  But this revelation and early declaration would have a profound impact on our lives when we looked to Him as He moved us to places unknown, gave us children to raise with no handbook but his Word and Church, carried us thru trials, filled us with His presence and provided gifts in teaching, worship and other areas of ministry.

We are not the same persons nor couple as when we started. God has, and may HE ever continue to change us into better disciples, worshippers and servants of Him. Perfect, nope! But I do know the He is the true  source of all blessings in His will.

The beauty is (as we have seen this repeatedly even within our little family at Calvary) that it is never too late to put Him as priority #1. And when you do, He begins to reform hearts, to restore persons and families.

If you haven’t done so already, place the #1 by God.

You will never be sorry.

Matt 6:33 - But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Matt 22:37,38 - Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment.


Selah - - one of the definitions of this word means to “pause – and contemplate”
